
Avarni product update – March 2024

Jason Arraj
Jason Arraj
March 27, 2024
min read

Introducing Avarni V2: What you need to know

The team at Avarni have been listening to your feedback and focused on improving the platform to give our users the best possible experience. This has culminated in our team building a new and improved version of the platform. Over the next two weeks, we’ll be introducing the first stage of Avarni V2, a significant update of our platform built on stronger foundations and and more powerful database. For a comprehensive overview of what Avarni V2 offers and how it could benefit your sustainability efforts, visit our detailed guide here. Here’s a sneak peek into what’s on the horizon with Stage 1 of Avarni V2.

What’s new in Stage 1

The first release of Avarni V2 aims to deepen the qualities of Avarni that you rely on such as the speed, accuracy and auditability of your emissions calculation, while also addressing the feedback and pain points you’ve communicated to our team. Stage 1 will feature the core components for calculating and understanding your emissions along with improvements to what goes on behind these scenes. This includes:

  • Dashboards and Custom Graphs: Engage with your data through intuitive and insightful visualisations using Dashboards and Custom Graphs, designed for comprehensive analysis and insight extraction.
  • Redesigned data importing wizard: With our revamped import process, we’re thrilled to announce expanded calculation coverage across Scope 3 categories, allowing for the calculation of 14 of the 15 GHG categories (excluding investments). We’ve also incorporated innovative error flagging tools into the import wizard for hassle-free data management, reducing the need to amend your data offline and restart the import process.
Redesigned data importing wizard
  • Streamlined Emissions Hub and review process: We’re simplifying your workflow with a unified emissions hub and data review process, allowing you to get from data imports to data insights more quickly and effectively. This means you’ll experience a more cohesive and user-friendly approach to calculating and managing your emissions data.
Streamlined Emissions Hub and review process
  • Smarter AI-driven emission factor mappings: A significant component of the Stage 1 release is our improved AI technology, which significantly increases the accuracy of emission factor mappings. This advancement means less time spent on the data review process, giving you confidence in your emissions calculations and freeing up resources for strategic sustainability planning based on the insights gathered from your Dashboard and Custom Graphs.

Coming soon

As we roll out Stage 1 of Avarni V2 in April, it’s important to note that the remaining features will be phased in over time. This includes features such as Supplier Engagement, Forecasting and our SBTi supplier analysis tool. The new platform will be released to users in this staged approach allowing users to gradually access the new features and improvements while minimising disruptions. Users will still have the option to access our current platform as well as Avarni V2, which will be accessible through a new URL.

Interested in Avarni V2?

If you would like to find out more about Avarni V2 or you’d like to discuss accessing the new platform, please get in touch with our Customer Success team at

Stay connected

These updates are part of our journey towards continuous improvement to support your sustainability goals. For an in-depth look at how far we've come, we invite you to explore our past enhancements on our Blog.

Get started on your supply chain decarbonization journey

If you’re not already using Avarni to manage your carbon emissions, get in touch to see a live product demo and learn how we can help you with your decarbonization goals.

Ready to streamline how you calculate emissions?

See how Fortune 500 companies and sustainability consultants use Avarni to streamline carbon accounting and eliminate spreadsheet errors.
Avarni carbon accounting platform

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