Emission Factor Databases

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We know that carbon accounting can be time-consuming, especially when done manually. While Avarni streamlines this process, we also wanted to make it easier for those still working with spreadsheets. This page provides a comprehensive list of global CO2 / GHG emission factor databases, helping you find the data you need in one place.

How to use this list of emission factor databases

Use the filters to find the emission factors you need for your carbon calculations and reporting. For example, to view all electricity emission factors by country, simply search for "electricity" under the emission factor Type.

Emission Factor Database Source/Download Region Type
AIB aib-net.org Europe Electricity
AusLCI auslci.com.au Australia Product Volumes
Australian NGA dcceew.gov.au Australia Electricity Fuel Waste
CAEP caep.org.cn China Electricity
CCF cloudcarbonfootprint.org Worldwide Cloud Computing
DEFRA/BEIS gov.uk UK Electricity Fuel Spend Transport & Distribution Travel Waste
DEWA dewa.gov.ae United Arab Emirates Electricity
ecoinvent ecoquery.ecoinvent.org Worldwide Product Volumes
EEA eea.europa.eu Europe Electricity
Ember ember-energy.org Worldwide Electricity
EPA AP42 epa.gov US Fuel Waste
EPA EEIO cfpub.epa.gov US Spend
EPA GHG Emissions Hub epa.gov US Electricity Fuel Transport & Distribution Travel Waste
Exiobase zenodo.org Worldwide Spend
GHG Protocol ghgprotocol.org Worldwide Electricity Fuel Transport & Distribution
Government of Canada data-donnees.az.ec.gc.ca Canada Electricity Fuel Land Use Product Volumes Waste
IELab footprintlab.io Australia Spend
IPCC ipcc.ch Worldwide Electricity Land Use Waste
MfE environment.govt.nz New Zealand Electricity Fuel Land Use Transport & Distribution Travel Waste
WRAP wrap.ngo UK Food Volume

Last updated: 19-February-2025

Help us keep this list up to date

We strive to provide the most accurate and comprehensive list of emission factor databases. If you know of a database that should be included or notice outdated information, simply email us at support@avarni.co.

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How to use emission factor databases effectively

  • Identify the relevant data source – Choose a database that aligns with your region and industry.
  • Verify the most recent data – Ensure you are using the latest updates to maintain accuracy.
  • Apply the correct factors – Use sector-specific or activity-based emission factors where available.
  • Integrate data into your carbon accounting process – Use Avarni’s automated tools to streamline emissions calculations and reporting.


Avarni streamlines carbon accounting

Avarni's robust coverage of popular emission factors empowers organizations to automate their carbon accounting, ensuring precision and reliability every step of the way.

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Experience full transparency

Unlike most carbon accounting platforms, Avarni displays all emission factors used in its calculations.
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Access detailed information

View all emission factors, including conversion factors, their sources, and the year they were updated.
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Achieve full auditability

Ensure that all your emissions calculations are completely auditable, providing peace of mind and compliance assurance.

Solve carbon accounting challenges

Learn how Avarni can help you deliver accurate carbon inventories

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