"When you're comparing a multitude of open source databases, how do you start? Some of the databases can range from a few hundred to a few thousand emission factors. And how do you map that across their raw data set?
So I did a new exercise using Avarni to do the initial emission factor database matching.
And through that, I compared two open source databases. And from that, I could find one database had over a hundred matches, but when I compared with another more granular database, it had over a thousand emission factor matches. That gave me the evidence to inform my colleague, who therefore informed their client, that this database was the most appropriate based on the granularity of matched emission factors.
That saved hours of work, which is sometimes a very manual process, matching it line by line in the spreadsheet."
Avarni includes popular emission factor databases, including:
Alternatively, you may upload your own licensed emission factor datasets to use in your emissions calculations.
The new Factor Explorer allows you to search for an address, city, or region and view applicable emission factors: