SBTi Weekly Digest

Over 4,000 organizations across regions and industries have set emissions reduction targets grounded in climate science through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

For professional services firms, tracking SBTi targets allows you to stay ahead. Position yourself as a strategic partner, offering expertise that helps clients meet their specific needs and contribute to their efforts in achieving SBTi targets.

For organizations, tracking SBTi targets in your supply chain means smarter collaboration and transparent relationships. Identify like-minded partners, reduce risks, and enhance your Scope 3 reporting.

Here's an easy way to keep track of changes to the SBTi on a weekly basis:

Subscribe to the SBTi Weekly Digest

Enter your email to automatically receive the Avarni SBTi Weekly Digest in your inbox on Fridays at 12am GMT.
The email includes:

  • A summary of the 100+ organizations on average that set targets or make commitments to the SBTi each week.
  • Insights such as the sector with the most changes that week, a sample of public companies and the targets they’ve set, the number of organizations with upcoming commitment deadlines, and more.
  • A link to download a detailed spreadsheet of all the changes that week, saving you time downloading the full list of organizations from the SBTi website and filtering down to the changes each week.
Avarni SBTi Weekly Digest

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